Saturday, 19 December 2009


Photo taken by the river Dee on a lovely winters morning. im not going to analyse this one cos i love it too much. Comment on Deviant Art: "Looks like a surreal waypoint. Between an abstract start and unknown endpoint. That's the best I can do to put my impression in words. I'm also thinking Hitchhiker's Guide for some reason." sums it up perfectly in my opinion.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


This is an image i took when i was still in college. It was taken with a Nikon Fm-10 and developed and printed by hand by me. The theme for these photos was Family, and i tried the conventional family portrait approach and it wasnt catching my attention. So in the end i followed my family around with an SLR and 10 rolls of film, and these photos where miles more successful. This particular image was the most successful of the set, with the light coming through behind the subject, it softens the whole image. i feel using black and white rather than colour has also had a better effect, as the colours would be too intense, this looks a lot more loving.... Whilst i was developing the film, i didnt dry it properly, and a few of the frames, like this one got slightly damaged. but after printing i feel it made the whole image look a lot older and vintage. This image was a part of a set which was printed in book form. i feel to improve this particular image, i could have increased the contrast, so there was more depth and emphasis on the black.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The beginning.....

So here it is, the very first edition of my Blog, and i still cant decide wether to do it daily or weekly.....gah! weekly it is! basically im gonna go out and take a picture, and tell you how great i am!! :D haha. i hope you enjoy! and let me know what you think!!